The Authentic Woman Experience Intensive

The Authentic Woman Experience Intensive

Awaken the Radiant, Powerful Woman Inside of You, Create Authentic & Intimate Relationships, and Become an Invitation for Love



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The AWE Intensive is a unique training in the art of relating as a spiritual practice

There is incredible growth, beauty and love available in ALL of our relationships… IF we know how stay deeply connected to ourselves and our truth — while at the same time, connecting with others. However, relationships can be the toughest place to stay centered and true to ourselves! That’s why AWE was designed to help heal hurts from the past, embody your natural feminine strengths, develop your ability to be authentic and relational, and become an irresistible invitation for love… just by being yourself.

Whether you are:

  • Single and want a romantic partner who fully meets you in body, mind, heart and soul…
  • In a relationship and want the connection and passion to deepen…
  • Healing from heartbreak, loss or self-doubt and want to move from surviving to thriving…
  • Wanting more connection everywhere in your life — with family, friends, co-workers and strangers…
  • Or are simply hungry to feel more ALIVE — connected to your heart, truth and worth…

… The Authentic Woman Experience will transform your life.

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This Course is For You if:

  • You hold back your truth, play small, or feel pressure to be “nice” (in love, work, or friendship).
  • You’re afraid that you are “too much” (or “not enough”) to be truly loved and accepted.
  • You feel like you have to hold it together, do it all yourself, or work hard to survive or be respected.
  • You have felt conscious and empowered in other areas of your life, but don’t know why the right relationship hasn’t materialized.
  • You find yourself reenacting the same unhealthy patterns, relationship after relationship, and want to break the cycle.
  • You don’t have the kind of friendships that you want — and instead experience competition, judgment or loneliness with women.
  • You want to be more emotionally available — so when the right man comes along, you will be able to truly let him in (or deepen the passion and connection with the man already in your life).
  • You want to shift from doubting yourself to living as the amazing woman you are.
  • You long to be more authentic, express your strength and vulnerability without defenses, and become an invitation for love.

Enough of this, girlfriend!

There is too much life to live and pleasure to enjoy to be stuck, wondering whether you’re enough, feeling stressed out because you’re not asking for help, or having unfulfilling relationships. It’s time to let go of whoever you thought you should be in order to be loved!

“The world needs women who are able to unflinchingly speak their truth with an open heart. The planet, the evolution of consciousness, our intimate relationships and our communities are served by the feminine voice… by women who know how to lead, love and communicate powerfully from the heart. This is most available when women trust themselves and feel nourished from the inside out. AWE is in service to this vision.” –Alexis Shepperd


“What I treasure most is that AWE has given me the tools to fall in love with myself!”

“After a particularly bad break up full of deception and lies I stopped believing in love. I’m a smart woman, self-aware, willing to own up to my own baggage, always looking inside and growing. But still, love continued to elude me. I began to see that I had a pattern of being attracted to unavailable men and totally repelled by available loving men. This was a pattern I tried hard to change, but I just couldn’t make it work.

Since AWE I have a clear sense of boundaries and a stronger sense of self. I am learning to meet men with curiosity instead of fear. I am learning to trust that I am worth it, worth a man who is sensitive and kind and who adores me. I am learning how to communicate how I feel instead of what I think the other person wants to hear.

In short I am learning to be and love myself. And the results are profound! I am gaining amazing friendships with men and learning to be around men in my body with a sense of peace and self. I can see, in their eyes, that I am glowing because of it. I no longer have this internal vision of myself hunched over, ugly and undesirable. I walk tall, my hips swing freely and my smile says, “yes, I know I am beautiful because I FEEL beautiful.” What I treasure the most is that AWE has given me the tools to fall in love with myself.”

Western, Creative Consultant, Bay Area, CA

Why This Course?

The AWE Intensive is a Life-Changing Experience That You Can’t Find Anywhere Else…

It takes more than tips, tricks or self-help books to be a woman who is in love with herself, living a life that feels great and creating fulfilling relationships.

In AWE, you learn to create profound connections that allow you to be deeply met by men and others in your life in a way many people never experience. AWE offers you…

1. Real Practice With Caring, Tuned-In Men

Our team of incredible, conscious men make it safe for you to explore and have breakthroughs in places where you’ve been stuck with men — whether that’s in love, at work, or in your community or family. They are committed to honoring you exactly as you are… and inviting you into your fullest, most vibrant expression.

This is a unique opportunity to see how men experience you, see exactly where you hold yourself back, and practice moving beyond your old patterns. You’ll return to your life able to create connections that are the foundation of authentic, fulfilling and passionate relationships.

2. Transformative Guidance to Becoming Available for Love

There are incredible men out there who are available for depth, love and commitment. Do you know how to recognize this kind of man? Most women walk right by these men — not even able to see them — and instead choose men who are unavailable, immature, or dishonoring of the feminine… and then complain that there are no good men out there! This is simply not true.

There are two longings that are inherent in every person: the longing to be close and connected to others, and the longing to be fully, authentically ourselves. And yet, we often learn from painful experiences that we have to choose one over the other… that in order to be close to others, we need to hide parts of ourselves and instead behave in a way that we think others will accept. The defenses and patterns that keep us from being fully ourselves can also lead to feeling painfully alone… even while in a relationship.

With the right kind of support, you can transform these old patterns so you can be ready and available when the right guy shows up.

3. A Powerful Process to Discover Your Unique Feminine Expression

There are very few healthy models of the feminine in our culture. Whether it’s old-fashioned stereotypes or modern images of the “successful” woman, the rampant conditioning about what it means to be a woman can put us at war with ourselves, make us hate our bodies, doubt what we really want, and exhaust ourselves as we burn the candle at both ends.

When we are not connected to our feminine energy, our relationships suffer and we push men away – whether we want to or not! But when we have access to our feminine essence, we feel immensely more energized, radiant and available for love.

During AWE, we’ll guide you to access and express the feminine aspects of your being (in addition to the masculine aspects), including the practices that help women go from being overwhelmed and exhausted to energized, radiant and powerful.

But unlike other approaches to finding love or deepening relationship, we don’t tell you how you “should” behave to capture a man’s attention, or what to do to become more “feminine”. We take the time to discover YOU – from the inside out – and guide you into effortless self-expression. Your unique expression of feminine energy and power is what makes it possible to attract the right partner for you.

4. Unparalleled Personalized Attention & “Circling” – Limited to 12 Women

What you can’t see about yourself is often what holds you back from having the life and love you want. You may be unaware of how you create disconnection with others. You may also be unaware of what others respect and admire about you.

The process we call “Circling” uncovers your “relational blind-spots” — the places where you push away the depth of connection and intimacy that’s possible. Circling also gives you the experience of being seen for who you authentically are.

Because the course is limited to 12 women, throughout the weekend you’ll receive undivided attention and be Circled on whatever keeps you from giving and receiving the love you most deeply desire. You’ll have experiences designed specifically for you to loosen the grip of fear, self-consciousness, resignation, speaking your truth, being unsure of what you want and more.

5. Access to a Powerful and Supportive Women’s Community

Relationships with women are a foundation of a supportive, nourishing life. They are also key to having fulfilling romantic relationships with men!

By participating in AWE, you’ll get to create honest, supportive relationships with women and have the opportunity to join a network of conscious, caring women who are committed to sisterhood.

“My eyes opened to an entirely different way of being ATTRACTIVE.”

What Shana and Alexis teach was nothing like I had learned before: attract men with makeup, dating games, teasing and designer clothing. But my life was a pretty obvious sign that these tactics didn’t work. Not only was I single, I was CONFUSED about how to be myself and attract the right man…the kind of man that made me excited about life. The kind of man that saw my beauty on all levels. After I started working with Shana and Alexis, my eyes opened to an entirely different way of being ATTRACTIVE. I saw some major blocks that were keeping me from satisfaction in love. Now I’m experiencing the power of being MAGNETIC to amazing men. And I’m more excited and empowered about my sexiness than ever before!”

Vrinda Normand, Marketing and Copywriting Coach, Santa Cruz, CA

Course Outline:

The weekend will be a combination of group exercises, teaching, and personalized attention from Alexis and our team of top instructors. Here’s a more detailed breakdown of what you’ll learn …

Friday and Saturday are all about YOU (Women Only):

  • Awaken Your Radiance

Your inner glow is infinitely more compelling than how you look or what you wear! You will shine more brightly as you show up powerfully, fall in love with yourself, and find the courage to let others in when it feels vulnerable.

  • Unleash ALL of You… No Matter Where You are or Who You’re With

It is common to shut down or hide parts of yourself that seem to cause trouble or get you the opposite of what you want. While it feels like those parts are to blame, the true culprit is not having the resources to express yourself in a way that is safe for you and inspiring for others. Great men want not only your sassy, sexy, powerful parts, but your your real emotions and vulnerability. You’ll feel more alive and be deeply met as you start to express the full and unique range of you!

  • Access Your Feminine Power

Feminine power is about being strong and soft at the same time. It is about holding your ground while staying connected to your heart. When you tap into the source of your strength, there is often no need to scream or shout. You will be amazed at the respect a quiet “No” will command when you are tapped into your authentic power. And you’ll access the confidence to be big and loud and powerfully uncompromising whenever you need (or want) to.

  • Discover the Keys to Making Powerful Choices From Self-Respect and Self-Love Everyday

It can feel daunting and nearly impossible to consistently love and respect yourself and make healthy choices. However, it becomes easy when you tap into the part of you that knows what’s best for you and is unwilling to compromise! You’ll start to find yourself surrounded by people who care about you and only doing things that really matter to you.

  • Let Go of “Baggage” From Your Past that has Sabotaged Your Relationships and Happiness

Unresolved hurt, disappointment and resentment from your past will poison new relationships…despite your best efforts. Women come out of AWE freed of dynamics that have plagued them for years.

  • Heal with Women and Experience True Sisterhood

When distrust, jealousy, competition, hurt, and comparison color our relationships with women, our entire lives suffer… including our relationships with men! Repair trust with women and learn to create friendships with women that are empowering and a source of outrageous fun.

Sunday is about your Relationships With Men:

You’ll learn to connect with men in a way that allows your uniqueness to shine and inspires them to love, respect and cherish you.

Our male coaches bring their extraordinary presence, integrity and heart to one-on-one exercises with you. We’ve been told that simply interacting with these men has raised the bar on what women feel is possible with men. And there’s so much more!

  • Repair Trust with Men

It is hard to escape having your trust broken. Whether it was with your father, brother, boss, or beloved, when trust is broken, it’s not easy to open your heart again. But when you bring distrust from your past to a current relationship, he can feel it… and he won’t want to be close to you for long. In this weekend you’ll learn how to trust again, including how to know when it’s appropriate not to.

  • Move from Self-Doubt to Self-Confidence, Even With Men You’re Most Attracted To

You know how awesome, comfortable, funny and interesting you are with your best friend? You can feel that way everywhere you go, even with men you’re most attracted to! You will learn to relax with men, even in moments that might feel awkward. When that happens, your interactions and conversations feel more natural, and the spark of chemistry can ignite!

  • Learn to Let Love In

If you put up walls or facades, men will eventually leave (emotionally or physically). When you let men in, especially when it’s vulnerable, they are drawn to support you, care for you and ultimately commit to you. Discover how you may be subtly and not-so-subtly pushing men away — without even knowing it.

  • Learn How to Communicate Your Feelings, Needs and Desires in a Way Men Can Hear and Respond To

Women often think they should be low maintenance or able to take care of themselves. The truth is, we all have feelings, needs and desires. It’s not having them that turns a man off… it’s how you communicate them! Rather than layering your needs and desires with complaints, demands, resentments or resignation (or diminishing yourself and hiding what you really want so he doesn’t think you’re a “burden”), you will learn how to ask men for what you want and need in a way that inspires them to give it to you. You deserve it!

  • Discover What Actually Pushes Men Away

Women have misconceptions about why men leave, cheat and emotionally withdraw. Let go of the guessing games you play with your girlfriends and hear, first-hand, what causes men to pull away.

  • Claim Your Freedom to be a Sexy, Sensual Woman and Feel Safe

You were born to play, flirt and love. Rather than dulling yourself down to feel safe, learn how to invite the attention you really want… without the attention you don’t.

“I have a new way of showing up FULLY in the world…sexy, loving, flirty, in my body…a deeply flowing feminine energy.”

“I’m a 37-year-old woman who has struggled with too much masculine energy all my life. I was “bred” to achieve, take charge, provide and fight against discrimination. No on taught me how to cultivate feminine energy. And I was repelling men! After taking AWE, I feel amazing! When I walk down a city street and turn on my feminine energy, men smile and pay attention to me! On a recent date, I felt sexy and self-expressed all night. We both shared what we were nervous about and had deep conversation from the very beginning. The intimacy was so juicy! Being real works! The whole evening was a breakthrough; a new way of showing up fully in the world as sexy, loving, flirty, in my body..a deeply flowing feminine energy. It was the best date of my life because I was more myself than I’ve ever been.”

Lori McDaniel, Oakland, CA

“I saw huge changes in me and all the other women. I felt stronger and freer, trusting and valuing myself….”

“Alexis and Shana are doing PHENOMENAL work. As an experience psychotherapist, I am astounded by how quickly and effectively they help participants break through blocks and change old patterns.

I really appreciate the balance of wisdom, intelligence, and emotional sensitivity they bring. I felt deeply seen and appreciated, at the same time as they called me out on ways I was unconsciously selling myself short. I saw huge changes in me and all the other women. I left feeling stronger and freer, trusting and valuing myself and others more; the impact on my relationships has been profound.”

Laura W, Psychotherapist, San Franciso, CA

Invest in Your Life and Reserve Your Seat in AWE – Limited to 12 Women

We usually only offer the AWE Intensive once or twice each year…and the last course was almost 2 year ago! It’s a precious, and sometimes rare experience. The course is limited to 12 women, so you will get an incredible amount of personalized attention… which produces life-changing results. These workshops fill quickly, so the best thing you can do is register early.

Great LOVE is available to you… in a romantic relationship, with your friends and family, in the world… and most importantly, with yourself.

It would be such an honor to get to know you and support you in in having more love, freedom and authenticity in your life. If this inspires you, please join us for an unforgettable experience.

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Don’t Let Money Stop You…

We do not want price to be a reason women are unable to attend! That’s why we have a limited number of scholarships and other payment plan arrangements available to support women who want to do the course and wouldn’t be able to participate otherwise. Just contact us to set up a call and we’ll explore what’s possible.