Instructions for Meeting via Video

For most coaching sessions and consultation, we will meet over video. Plan to meet by computer if possible, because it will give you a much higher quality experience; however, you can use your mobile device if necessary.

We will meet over Zoom. When we schedule our session, I will send you a Google Calendar invitation via email with a unique Zoom link for our meeting. Even if you don’t use Google Calendar, please accept the invitation, confirm the date and time (especially if we are in different time zones), and save the Zoom link.

Prior to our first meeting, you’ll want to set up Zoom and optimize your audio and video connection.

  • Make sure you have a strong internet connection. You may want to pick a spot near your router.
  • Download Zoom (instructions below).
  • Test your computer video, microphone and speakers (instructions below).
  • For individuals: have a headset available.
  • For couples and groups: Choose a location where you can sit comfortably and we can clearly see and hear each other. You won’t be using a headset, so make sure your computer speakers are functioning well. Alternately, each person can join the Zoom session on different computers in different locations (or rooms).
  • On the day of our call, simply click the Zoom link I shared.

Download Zoom

If you don’t already have Zoom downloaded to your computer or mobile device, follow these instructions:

For your Mac:

  • Download Zoom at:
  • This will download a file called “zoomusInstaller.pkg” to your computer.
  • Open this file and follow the installation instructions.
  • You will only need to do this once and you can go ahead and do it in advance so you don’t need to bother with this on the day of the call.

For your PC:

  • Download Zoom at:
  • This will download a file called “ZoomInstller.exe” to your computer.
  • Open this file and select “Run”
  • You will only need to do this once and you can go ahead and do it in advance so you don’t need to bother with this on the day of the call.

For your mobile device:

Download Zoom App from App Store or Google Play.

Test Your Audio and Video in Zoom:

  • Login to Zoom
  • Select “Settings”
  • Select “Audio”, “Test Speaker”, and “Test Mic”
  • Select “Video” to test your camera
  • For more information: